We provide oral sedation for anxiety-free dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is a form of dentistry where the patient is sedated during their procedure. This is usually used when there is a large and painful procedure going on, or when there is a patient who has a very hard time dealing with the dentist. When this procedure is carried out, a patient is put under for a certain period of time in order to sleep through their procedure.

Why be Sedated? 

Sedation dentistry is great when there are oral surgeries going on,

  • A frequent smoker whose teeth have yellowed over the years due to smoking.
  • Anyone who has an unnatural yellowing teeth coloring would benefit from such a procedure.
  • Those working in the public, especially are interested dental bleaching.
  • Those working in the public, especially are interested dental bleaching.
  • Major Surgeries such as Wisdom Tooth Extractions
  • Fear of the dentist
  • Sensitive Patients – those who usually feel large amounts of pain during a dental procedure

All in all, sedation dentistry is a great solution for those who need a little extra help when they are going to the dentist.

Different Types of Sedation

Here are the different types of sedation dentistry:

  • Minimal sedation is a type of sedation where you are awake, but you are very relaxed. This can be reached with laughing gas.
  • Oral sedation is reached by taking a pill such as Valium. This pill helps the patient relax to a state where they are almost in sleep.
  • IV sedation is where the anesthesia is administered through an IV straight to the vein. This allows technicians to monitor the sedation levels throughout the procedure. Deep sedation is for much longer procedures. This is a level of sedation that can not be reversed without medication. It must just wear off naturally without the aid of drugs.
Sedation dentistry is quite simply the art of putting the patient to sleep during a dental procedure. This is great for individuals who have a hard time during their dental procedures.

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